Combat Task Summary

Melee (Unarmed)
Maneuver Difficulty Asset(s) Effect
Hand Strike Average Unarmed Martial Arts (Strike) Damage UCDR
Kick Difficult Unarmed Martial Arts (Strike) Damage 1½ × UCDR

Block Difficult Unarmed Martial Arts (Block) Avoid Strike; Lose Action
Leaping Kick Difficult Acrobatics and UMA (Strike) Damage UCDR
Leaping Kick Recovery Average Acrobatics Avoid Falling Down
Avoid Leaping Kick Difficult Acrobatics1 Avoid Attack; Lose Action
Aimed Strike/Kick +1 Level As Appropriate Damage Chosen Location
Feint Difficult Acting and UMA (Strike) +1 Level Penalty to Avoid Next Attack
Resist Feint Difficult Observation and UMA (Strike) Negate Attack
Grapple Average Acrobatics or UMA (Throw) Controlling "Hits" UCGR
Grapple Escape Average Acrobatics or UMA (Throw) Remove Controlling "Hits" UCGR
Strangle Difficult Acrobatics or UMA (Throw) Damage 2 × UCGR
Strangle Block Average Acrobatics or UMA (Throw) Avoid Attack; Lose Action
Combat Throw Difficult Unarmed Martial Arts (Throw) Damage 2 × Defender's CON
Limit Throw Damage Difficult Acrobatics Damage × ½
Avoid Diving Blow Average Acrobatics1 Avoid Attack2
Block/Strike3 Formidable UMA (Block) and UMA (Strike) Negate Attack; Damage ½ × UCDR
Block/Throw3 Formidable UMA (Block) and UMA (Strike) Negate Attack; Damage ½ × UCGR

1 Unskilled characters may use AGL at no penalty.
2 Otherwise, damage is (2 × Attacker's CON) + 1D6 - (Defender's STR + CON)
3 This maneuver is under still under consideration.

UMA: Unarmed Martial Arts.
UCDR: Unarmed Combat Damage Rating = Unarmed Martial Arts (Strike) asset ÷ 3 (min. of 1).
UCGR: Unarmed Combat Grapple Rating = Unarmed Martial Arts (Throw) asset ÷ 3 (min. of 1).

"Asset#1 and Asset#2": Use the lower of the two assets.
"Asset#1 or Asset#2": Use the higher of the two assets.

Melee (Armed)
Maneuver Difficulty Asset(s) Effect
Attack Difficult Armed Martial Arts1 Damage by Weapon
Aimed Attack +1 Level Armed Martial Arts1 Damage Chosen Location
Block/Parry2 Formidable Armed Martial Arts1 Avoid Strike; Lose Action
Shield Block Average Armed Martial Arts (Other) +1 Level Penalty to Attack
Disarm Formidable Armed Martial Arts1 Defender Loses Weapon
Resist Disarm Difficult STR Negate Attack
Feint Difficult Acting and Armed Martial Arts +1 Level Penalty to Avoid Next Attack
Resist Feint Difficult Observation and Armed Martial Arts Negate Attack
Pin Difficult Armed Martial Arts1 Controlling "Hits" (Asset ÷ 3)
Parry/Strike2,3 Impossible Armed Martial Arts1 Avoid Strike; Lose Action;
Damage (by Weapon) × ½

1 Some weapons have die modifiers (DM).
2 Must have a weapon or other object with which to block.
3 This maneuver is under still under consideration.

Melee (Unarmed vs. Armed)
Maneuver Difficulty Asset(s) Effect
Unarmed Block Impossible Unarmed Martial Arts (Block) Avoid Strike; Lose Action
Unarmed Disarm Impossible Unarmed Martial Arts (Strike) Defender Loses Weapon

Thrown Weapons
Maneuver Difficulty Asset(s) Effect
Throw, Effective Range Difficult Thrown Weapon Damage STR+1D6*
Throw, Long Range Formidable Thrown Weapon Damage STR+1D6*

* For most weapons; a throwing knife does 1D6, while a grenade does explosive damage.

Direct Fire Combat
Maneuver Difficulty Asset(s) Effect
Aimed Fire, Point-Blank Range Easy Appropriate to Weapon Damage by Weapon
Aimed Fire, Short Range Average Appropriate to Weapon Damage by Weapon
Aimed Fire, Medium Range Difficult Appropriate to Weapon Damage by Weapon
Aimed Fire, Long Range Formidable Appropriate to Weapon Damage by Weapon
Aimed Fire, Extreme Range Impossible Appropriate to Weapon Damage by Weapon
Quick Fire1 +1 Level Appropriate to Weapon Damage by Weapon
Target Obscured +1 Level Appropriate to Weapon Damage by Weapon
Called Shot1 +1 Level Appropriate to Weapon Damage Chosen Location
Automatic Fire, Controlled Burst +1 Level Appropriate to Weapon Damage by Weapon
Automatic Fire, Full Burst Special2 Appropriate to Weapon Damage by Weapon

1 Not possible at extreme range.
2 See rules for automatic fire (TNE, pg. 276).

Indirect Fire Combat
Maneuver Difficulty Asset(s) Effect
Conventional Formidable Forward Observer* Explosive Damage
Hand-Held Impossible Grenade Launcher* Explosive Damage

* Or appropriate weapon asset of the firing character, whichever is lower. Bonuses for repeated fire.