Kat's Dancing Blade
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: One round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One dagger or knife
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to wield at range one dagger or knife of standard size. The mage can attack with the dagger anywhere within his line of sight up to 60 feet away. The mage wields the dagger at his normal proficiency (i.e., using his own THAC0 and #AT). Because this is a ranged attack, the mage doesn't use his Strength modifications (hit and damage bonuses/penalties), but he does use his Dexterity modifications (bonus/penalty to hit).
The mage must concentrate on wielding the dagger, and he can perform no other actions within a round in which he uses the dagger. However, if he temporarily stops concentrating on the dagger (to perform some other action), the spell doesn't prematurely end. Instead, the dagger merely hovers at its last location. Of course, if the mage moves more than 60 feet away from the dagger in this case, the spell ends and the dagger falls down.
If anyone tries to parry the dagger
(as per the variant rules included in a
supplement for fighters or in another
supplement for combat and tactics),
the dagger is considered to be AC 0
(plus whatever modifications to AC
due to the caster's Dexterity).
If anyone tries to grab the dagger
(to wrestle or overpower it),
the dagger is considered to have a Strength
rating equal to the caster's level
(to a maximum effective Strength of 9),
for the purposes of resolving any
Strength-vs.-Strength contests.
If the creature trying to grab the dagger
misses his attack roll by four or less,
he has accidentally grabbed the dagger by
its blade instead of its hilt,
thus cutting himself for the dagger's
usual damage.
Kat's Dancing Sword
Level: 4
This spell allows the caster to wield
at range one sword
(up to a certain maximum weight;
see below).
The mage can attack with the sword anywhere
in his line of sight up to 60 feet away.
The mage wields the sword at his normal
proficiency (i.e., using his own THAC0 and #AT,
including any non-proficiency penalty,
if applicable).
Obviously, this spell is of more use to a bard
or a fighter-mage than to a more traditional
Because this is a ranged attack,
the mage doesn't use his Strength modifications
(hit and damage bonuses/penalties),
but he does use his Dexterity modifications
(bonus/penalty to hit).
If anyone tries to parry the sword
(as per the variant rules included in a
supplement for fighters or in another
supplement for combat and tactics),
the sword is considered to be AC 0
(plus whatever modifications to AC
due to the caster's Dexterity).
If anyone tries to grab the sword
(to wrestle or overpower it),
the sword is considered to have a Strength
rating equal to the caster's level
(to a maximum effective Strength of 18),
for the purposes of resolving any
Strength-vs.-Strength contests.
If the creature trying to grab the sword
misses his attack roll by four or less,
he has accidentally grabbed the sword by
its blade instead of its hilt,
thus cutting himself for the sword's
usual damage.
Kat's Deadly Dancers
Level: 4
This improvement of Kat's
dancing blade allows the caster
to wield at range one dagger or knife
of standard size
for every three levels of the caster,
up to a maximum of five such daggers
(at 15th-level and above).
The mage can attack with each of the daggers
anywhere within his line of sight
up to 60 feet away.
The mage wields the daggers at his normal
proficiency (i.e., using his own THAC0 and #AT).
Because this is a ranged attack,
the mage doesn't use his Strength modifications
(hit and damage bonuses/penalties),
but he does use his Dexterity modifications
(bonus/penalty to hit).
The mage must concentrate on wielding
the daggers,
and he can perform no other actions within a
round in which he uses one or more
of the daggers.
However, if he temporarily stops concentrating
on the daggers (to perform some other action),
the spell doesn't prematurely end.
Instead, the daggers merely hover
at their last locations.
Of course, if the mage moves more than 60 feet
away from any of the daggers in this case,
the spell ends (for those daggers)
and the daggers fall down.
If anyone tries to parry
one of the daggers
(as per the variant rules included in a
supplement for fighters or in another
supplement for combat and tactics),
the dagger is considered to be AC 0
(plus whatever modifications to AC
due to the caster's Dexterity).
If anyone tries to grab
one of the daggers
(to wrestle or overpower it),
the dagger is considered to have a Strength
rating equal to the caster's level
(to a maximum effective Strength of 18),
for the purposes of resolving any
Strength-vs.-Strength contests.
If the creature trying to grab the dagger
misses his attack roll by four or less,
he has accidentally grabbed the dagger by
its blade instead of its hilt,
thus cutting himself for the dagger's
usual damage.
Kat's Bladestorm
Level: 5
This improvement of Kat's
dancing sword allows the mage to wield
at range one sword (up to a certain weight;
see below) for every four levels of the caster,
up to a maximum of five swords (at 20th-level
and above).
The mage can attack with each of these swords
anywhere within his line of sight
up to 60 feet away.
The mage wields the sword at his normal
proficiency (i.e., using his own THAC0 and #AT,
including any non-proficiency penalty,
if applicable).
Obviously, this spell is of more use to a bard
or a fighter-mage than to a more traditional
Because this is a ranged attack,
the mage doesn't use his Strength modifications
(hit and damage bonuses/penalties),
but he does use his Dexterity modifications
(bonus/penalty to hit).
If anyone tries to parry
one of the swords
(as per the variant rules included in a
supplement for fighters or in another
supplement for combat and tactics),
the sword is considered to be AC 0
(plus whatever modifications to AC
due to the caster's Dexterity).
If anyone tries to grab
one of the swords
(to wrestle or overpower it),
the sword is considered to have a Strength
rating equal to the caster's level
(to a maximum effective Strength of 18),
for the purposes of resolving any
Strength-vs.-Strength contests.
If the creature trying to grab the sword
misses his attack roll by four or less,
he has accidentally grabbed the sword by
its blade instead of its hilt,
thus cutting himself for the sword's
usual damage.
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One sword
Saving Throw: None
The mage must concentrate on wielding
the sword,
and he can perform no other actions
within a round in which he uses
the sword.
However, if he temporarily stops concentrating
on the sword (to perform some other action),
the spell doesn't prematurely end.
Instead, the sword merely hovers at its last
Of course, if the mage moves more than 60 feet
away from the sword in this case,
the spell ends and the sword falls down.
Caster's Level
Max. Wt. of Sword
Up to 8th-level
Up to 3 lbs.
9th to 11th-level
Up to 6 lbs.
12th or 13th-level
Up to 9 lbs.
14th-level and above
Any weight
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: One round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One or more daggers
and/or knives
Saving Throw: None
Level Spells)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: One round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One or more swords
Saving Throw: None
The mage must concentrate on wielding
the swords,
and he can perform no other actions within a
round in which he uses one or more of
the swords.
However, if he temporarily stops concentrating
on the swords (to perform some other action),
the spell doesn't prematurely end.
Instead, the swords merely hover
at their last locations.
Of course, if the mage moves more than 60 feet
away from any of the swords in this case,
the spell ends (for those swords)
and the swords falls down.
Caster's Level
Max. Wt. of Sword
Up to 11th-level
Up to 3 lbs.
12th to 15th-level
Up to 6 lbs.
16th or 19th-level
Up to 9 lbs.
20th-level and above
Any weight
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)