Protection Against
Light I
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
This dark-elven spell wards the recipient
from any harmful effects he may otherwise
suffer from normal light
(including natural sunlight).
Thus, a goblin protected by this spell
would not suffer the usual
penalty to his attack roll
from being in bright light or sunlight.
This spell doesn't provide total immunity
to light-based attacks;
however, it does grant a +2 bonus on any
applicable saving throws.
The caster may use this spell to protect
a corporeal undead being only if the
creature's hit dice doesn't exceed the
caster's level.
The material component for this spell
is either a piece of dark-colored glass
(or similar crystal)
or a pinch of powdered moonstone.
Continual Darkness
Level: 3
This spell creates a permanent sphere
of magical darkness.
If this spell is cast onto a creature,
the creature is entitled to a saving throw.
If this saving throw is successful,
the spell is assumed to be centered
on the area (i.e., the location),
not on the creature.
Protection Against
Light II
Level: 4
This dark-elven spell gives the benefits
of the 2nd-level spell
against light to the creature
touched and to all other creatures
within the area of effect.
This spell is centered on and moves with
the creature touched.
The caster may protect
a number of corporeal undead
whose totaled hit dice doesn't exceed
twice the caster's level,
starting with those undead closest
to the center of the area of effect.
The material component of this spell
is either a piece of dark-colored glass
(or similar crystal)
or a pinch of powdered moonstone.
Level: 4
This spell creates a sphere of magical light.
The light is equivalent in brightness to
natural sunlight, and it has all of its
properties as well (plants can grow,
certain undead are harmed, etc.).
The center of the effect is as uncomfortable
to directly look upon as the sun itself.
If this spell is cast onto one or more
the creatures are entitled to a saving
Those creatures who succeed at their
saving throw will be blind for 2d4 full
rounds after leaving the area of effect.
Those who fail will be blind for
2d4 turns after leaving the area of effect.
If the wizard casts this spell directly
upon the eyes of a creature,
that creature must make a separate
saving throw vs. death.
Failure indicates that the creature is
blinded for one full week per point that
he missed his saving throw.
Protection Against
Light III
Level: 6
This dark-elven spell gives the benefits
of the 2nd-level spell
against light to the creature
touched and to all other creatures
within the area of effect.
This spell is centered on and moves with
the creature touched.
The caster may protect
a number of corporeal undead
whose totaled hit dice doesn't exceed
three times the caster's level,
starting with those undead closest
to the center of the area of effect.
The material component of this spell
is either a piece of dark-colored glass
(or similar crystal)
or a pinch of powdered moonstone.
Moonstone Ring
This ring is carved by a dark-elven mage
from a piece of moonstone.
Whoever wears this ring is protected by
the wizard spell
against light.
Some of the rings are enchanted with
a more powerful version of this spell
than others.
Level Spells)
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 40' radius sphere
Saving Throw: Special
Level Spells)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 10' radius sphere
around creature touched
Saving Throw: None
(Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: One turn/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 10-foot/level diameter
Saving Throw: Special
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 30' radius sphere around
creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Magic Items)
d% Roll
X.P. Value
01 - 90
Wearer only
2,000 X.P.
91 - 99
10' radius
4,000 X.P.
30' radius
6,000 X.P.