Relathon's Gift of
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One hour/level
Casting Time: One turn
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
This spell increases the recipient creature's Dexterity attribute by the following amount (to a maximum of 18):
Class | Bonus |
Rogue | 1d8 |
Warrior, Wizard, or Monster | 1d6 |
Priest | 1d4 |
The material component for this spell is
either three whiskers from a cat or a
dram of quicksilver (mercury).
Relathon's Gift of
Level: 2
This spell increases the recipient creature's
Comeliness attribute by 1d6 points, up to a
maximum of 18.
Any excess points are lost.
The material component for this spell is
either a tail feather from a peacock,
three wing or tail feathers from a colorful
tropical bird, or a single flawless rose.
Relathon's Gift of
Charm and Grace
Level: 2
This spell increases the recipient creature's
Charisma attribute by 1d6 points, up to a
maximum of 18.
Any excess points are lost.
The material components for this spell are
a vial of honey and three pinches of allspice.
Relathon's Gift of
Endurance and Health
Level: 2
This spell increases the recipient creature's
Constitution attribute by 1d6 points, up to a
maximum of 18.
Any excess points are added to the creature's
current hit point total (c.f.,
elixir of heroics).
Any damage taken by the creature is
subtracted from these bonus hit points first.
If the creature has any of these bonus hit
points remaining at the end of the spell's
duration, these bonus hot points are lost
at that time.
If the creature doesn't have a Constitution
rating, each two points from this spell will
translate into a bonus of +1 hit point per
hit die.
The material component for this spell is
an ounce of chopped liver (either preserved
or fresh) from a creature known for its
endurance, such as a draft horse, a camel,
or a troll.
Relathon's Gift of
Level: 2
This spell increases the recipient creature's
Wisdom attribute by the following amount
(to a maximum of 18):
If the creature doesn't have a Wisdom
rating, each two points from this spell
will translate into a +1 bonus to all
saving throws affected by Wisdom
(domination, illsions, etc.).
The material component for this spell is
either an eye from an owl or a wisdom tooth
from a human or demi-human.
Relathon's Gift of
Knowledge and Cunning
Level: 2
This spell increases the recipient creature's
Intelligence attribute by the following amount
(to a maximum of 18):
The material component for this spell is
either an eye from either a fox or a weasel.
Relathon's Gift of
Physical Might
Level: 3
This spell gives the recipient creature
the strength of an ogre (18/00),
even if isn't a warrior.
Of course, if the creature has a Strength
attribute greater than 18/00,
he is unaffected by this spell.
The creature gains all of the benefits
of this Strength (attack bonus, damage
bonus, etc.).
The material component for this spell is
a vial of blood from an ogre or a troll
(or of a subspecies of ogre or troll).
Relathon's Gift of
Superior Physical Might
Level: 4
This spell gives the recipient creature
the strength of a giant,
even if isn't a warrior.
The specific Strength score grnated by
this spell is based on the level of the
The material component for this spell is
a vial of blood from a giant or a titan.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One hour/level
Casting Time: One turn
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One hour/level
Casting Time: One turn
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One hour/level
Casting Time: One turn
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One hour/level
Casting Time: One turn
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Any excess points are lost.
If this spell is cast upon a priest
who is rested,
the priest may pray for spells
and gain the additional spells
(if any) from the increase in his Wisdom.
These extra spells must be used by
the end of the spell's duration,
or else the extra spells will fade from
the priest's mind (i.e.,
he will lose them).
Warrior, Wizard, or Monster
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One hour/level
Casting Time: One turn
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Any excess points will add +2% per point
to the creature's chance to learn new
magics, up to 95% total.
Any further excess points will add +1%
per point to the wizard's chance to learn
new magics, up to 99% total.
This bonus to Intelligence does not
increase the maximum number of spells
the creature can learn.
If the creature attempts to learn a new
spell while under the effects of this
spell, and he succeeds in such an attempt
only because of the effects of this spell,
then the creature must reroll his attempt
to learn the new spell when this spell
ends, in order to retain the knowledge
of the new spell.
Priest, Rogue, or Monster
Level Spells)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One hour/level
Casting Time: One turn
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Level Spells)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One hour/level
Casting Time: One turn
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Of course, if the creature has a
Strength attribute greater than that
granted by this spell,
he is unaffected by this spell.
The creature gains all of the benefits
of this Strength (attack bonus, damage
bonus, etc.).
He also gets the ability to throw
boulders (c.f.,
elixir of gigantic strength).
Level of Caster
Up to 11th-level
19 (hill giant)
12th or 13th-level
20 (stone giant)
14th or 15th-level
21 (frost giant)
16th or 17th-level
22 (fire giant)
18th to 20th-level
23 (cloud giant)
21st to 30th-level
24 (storm giant)
25 (titan)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)