Legal Stuff
"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."
-- William Shakespeare"The more I think about it,
Old Willy was right.
Let's kill all the lawyers,
Let's kill 'em tonight."
-- Eddie Money, "Get Over It"
Dungeons and Dragons ("D&D"), Advanced Dungeons and Dragons ("AD&D"), Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (second edition), Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide, Monstrous Manual, Legends and Lore, "Nazi", and many more terms than will fit here are all trademarks (registered or not) of and/or copyrighted by TSR. Any use of these terms within these pages is not necessarily sanctioned or endorsed by TSR, and is not intended as a challenge to their trademark or copyright.
Traveller is a trademark of and/or copyrighted by Far Future Enterprises (aka Marc Miller). Any use of this term within these pages is not necessarily sanctioned or endorsed by Far Future Enterprises and/or Mr. Miller, and is not intended as a challenge to their trademark or copyright.
The following publications were all copyrighted by Game Designers' Workshop (GDW).
- Traveller: The New Era
- Fire, Fusion, and Steel
- Brilliant Lances
- Battle Rider
When GDW folded, these copyrights may have reverted to Mr. Miller (as the holder of the copyright for Traveller), or they may have reverted to the specific designer(s) for the games.
In either case, any use of these terms or their contents within my web site is not necessarily sanctioned or endorsed by the appropriate parties and is not intended as a challenge to their trademark or copyright.
The Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game (Amber DRPG) is a trademark of and/or copyrighted by Phage Press. This game is based on the Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny. Any reference to this game within these pages is not necessarily sanctioned or endorsed by Phage Press, and is not intended as a challenge to their trademark or copyright.
Ogre, Car Wars, Car Wars: The Card Game, Illuminati, Illuminati: New World Order (aka INWO), Hacker, Chez Geek, Munchkin, Frag, and (of course) GURPS, are all trademarks of and/or copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games (SJG). Any use of these terms within these pages is not necessarily sanctioned or endorsed by SJG, and is not intended as a challenge to their trademark or copyright. Fnord.
Magic: The Gathering and all of its expansions are trademarks of and/or copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast (WOTC). Any use of these terms within these pages is not necessarily sanctioned or endorsed by WOTC, and is not intended as a challenge to their trademark or copyright.
The term "Lego", the Lego brick, the Lego Minifig, et al., have been trademarked, patented, and/or copyrighted, as applicable, by The Lego Company. Any use of these terms and/or images within these pages is not necessarily sanctioned or endorsed by The Lego company, and is not intended as a challenge to their trademark, patent, and/or copyright.
[1]. "What was that?" you gasp?
When TSR published the first edition of The Indiana Jones Roleplaying Game, they included several cardboard stand-up figures, all of which had the letters "TM" appended to their name. Several of these figures had the name "Nazi." Someone even made a cartoon about this faux pas. :-)
[2]. The terms "Abyss", "Apollo", "armor", "Asgard", "assassin", "Astral Plane",
"axe"/ "battleaxe","basilisk"/ "cockatrice", "brownie", "bugbear", "centaur", "chainmail", "charisma", "cloak", "club", "comeliness", "conjuration", "constitution", "crossbow", "cutpurse", "cutthroat", "demon", "devil", "dexterity","djinn"/ "genie", "dragon", "druid", "dryad", "dwarf", "dungeon", "elemental", "elf", "encounter", "ethereal","faerie"/ "fairy", "familiar", "fighter", "flail", "gargoyle", "gate", "ghost", "ghoul", "giant", "glyph", "gnome", "goblin", "gremlin","griffin"/ "gryphon", "grimoire", "gorgon", "halfling", "harpy", "Hell","helmet"/ "helm", "hippogriff", "hobgoblin","ifrit"/ "efreeti", "illusionist", "imp", "intelligence", "invisibility", "kobold", "leprechaun", "level", "Limbo", "Loki", "lycanthrope", "mace","mage"/ "magi", "magician", "Medusa", "Merlin", "Mjolnir", "monster", "necromancer", "nymph", "Odin", "ogre", "orc", "pegasus", "pit (trap)", "plane of existence","plate mail/ armor", "poltergeist", "portcullis", "priest", "quest", "quill", "ring", "robe", "rod", "rogue", "rune","satyr"/ "faun", "scroll", "shadow", "shield", "sigil", "skeleton", "spectre", "sprite", "sorceror", "staff", "strength", "summoning", "swashbuckler", "sword", "swordsman", "thief", "Thor", "titan", "tome", "troll", "undead", "unicorn", "vampire", "wand", "warlock", "warlord", "warrior", "werewolf", "wisdom", "wish", "witch", "wizard", "Zeus", and "zombie" are not necessarily copyrighted by TSR, Inc., as any industrious bookworm can find all of these terms in books printed before 1970.(Of course, this doesn't mean that TSR hasn't tried to copyright some of these terms. . . ;-)