Franklin's Lego "Want List"
Last Updated: 24 December 2000
"Ultra" ( # 1 ) Priority
- "Tentacle" pieces !!! (aka Bendy-Arm segments), preferably in Black or Dark Grey (but I'll take 'em in any color I can get!) -- I need DOZENS, if not HUNDREDS, of these [CENSORED] things, for a secret evil project of mine. PLEASE HELP!!!
High Priority
- Transparent bricks and plates:
- 1×1 cones, in Trans-Green
- 1×2 plates, in Trans-Blue, Trans-Cyan, Trans-Green, or "Clear" (Trans-White)
- 1×2 bricks, in Trans-Blue, Trans-Cyan, Trans-Green, or "Clear" (Trans-White)
- 1×1 "pegs" (aka 1×1 round bricks), in "Clear" (aka Trans-White)
- Forest Maiden
- Lady in Waiting
- Peasant ( a | b | c | d | e )
- Pitchfork !!! (for the Peasant)
- Blacksmith
- Majisto ( a | b )
- Blue-Torso "Chain-Mail" Minifig
- Black Falcon Minifig
- "Tudor"-Style Castle Walls, (etc.), in Red and/or Yellow
- "Fancy Shirt with Ascot" Pirate ( a | b )
(aka, "White Torso with Brown Vest" Pirate)- "Bare-Chested" Pirate
(OK, he's actually depicted as wearing a vest, but you know which one I'm talking about. . . . )- Bluecoat Trooper
- Bluecoat Admiral
(I don't have any real images of this minifig, but I can tell you it looks sort of like this guy and/or this guy
Medium Priority
- Transparent plates and bricks:
- 1×1 cones, in Trans-Blue, Trans-Orange, and "Clear" (aka Trans-White)
- 1×1 "pegs" (aka 1×1 round bricks), in any color except Trans-Antifreeze
- 1×1 plates, in Trans-Blue, Trans-Cyan, and "Clear" (aka Trans-White)
- 1×2 tiles, in Trans-Blue, Trans-Cyan, Trans-Red, Trans-Green, Trans-Yellow, or "Clear" (Trans-White)
- 1×2 plates, in Trans-Red, Trans-Orange, or Trans-Yellow
- 1×2 bricks, in Trans-Red, Trans-Orange, or Trans-Yellow
- Transparent Accessories common to Belville (such as wands, facetted "gems", and 1×1 cones) in those colors uncommon to "mainstream" (non-Belville) Lego
- Forestman Minifig -- more variations than I care to count; basically, we have:
- Red-Torso "Chain-Mail" Minifig ( a | b )
- Wolfpack Minifig ( a | b )
- Dark Forest Minifig
- Hood/Cowl, either Peasant or Jedi/Sith
- Flaring/Nasal Helmet, preferably in Dark Grey
- "Robin Hood" Caps
- Armor and/or Visored Helm from Knight (Lego Castle)
- Castle/"Fort" Walls, Corners, Battlements, (etc.), in Grey, White, and/or Yellow
- Ninja Princess
- Minifig Head(s) for the Old Ninja Master
- Armor from Shogun
- Rampart (i.e., Sloping "Rock-Face" Wall), from Lego Ninja
- Redcoat Trooper
- Bluecoat Officers ( a | b | c )
- Head-Scarves (Pirate; not Ninja Head-and-Face Scarves), in any color
- Shako hats (in Black)
- Backpack (small, non-opening), especially Brown
- Epaulets, in Blue and/or Red (IF accompanied with Shako Hat and Backpack; otherwise, these Epaulets are merely Low Priority)
- Various miscellaneous pieces for constructing the Imperial Cutter:
- Ship Masts
- Sails
- 1×2 inverse slope bricks, in Black
- 2×3 inverse slope bricks, in White
- 1×3×1 arch bricks, in White
- Fabric Cloaks (Lego Star Wars), in Black
- Any other Female-Torso Minifig, except the Witch
- Minifig "Pigtail" Wigs (not "Ponytail" Wigs), in any color
- Minifig with Yellow Torso and Arms (for "customization" ;-)
- "Hinge Train Cantenary Holder" (the Bent-Hinge-Rod-Thingie), in Black
- The old, really, really, really tall, round/conical tree, in Green
Low Priority
- Transparent plates and bricks:
- 1×1 "discs" (aka 1×1 round plates), in Trans-Blue, Trans-Cyan, and "Clear" (aka Trans-White)
- 1×1 cones, in Trans-Yellow (not Trans-Antifreeze)
- Any other Transparent brick or plate not mentioned herein. . . . Surprise me! :-) Note: I do not want any more "Trans-Antifreeze" (aka Trans-Yellow-Green)
- Castle/"Fort" Walls, Corners, Battlements, (etc.), in any other color not mentioned above
- 3-pc. Feather/Plume sets
- Wizard/Witch Hat, in any color
- Egg/Teardrop-Shaped Minifig Shield:
- "Royal Knight" Pattern
- "Blue Dragon" Pattern
- "Green Dragon" Pattern
- Classic Minifig Sword (not the silver/chrome Greatsword), in Dark-Grey
- I can still use more Shoguns
(The Heads are good for veterans and old professionals. The Torsos are good for Wizards and Pirates.)- Ninja Katanas, in Black (and maybe the new, funky color, whatever it is)
- Tri-Corner Hats, especially in Black
- Epaulets, in Blue, Red, Yellow, or White (but not Brown)
- Admiral's Peaked Cap (not the Pirate Captain's Peaked Cap)
- Shooting Cannon
- Riverboat Mechanic Whose Name I Don't Recall (Adventurers)
- Aviator Cap (Adventurers; Star Wars Episode One), in any color
- Aviator Torso (Adventurers)
- Bush hat (aka Johny Thunder hat), but only in Black (not in Brown)
- "Johnny Reb" Cap (Wild West, et al.), in any color
- Rock Raiders Helmet, in either color
- Minifig Stetson (Cowboy Hat), in Grey, with the "Silver Star" (Sheriff's Badge) pattern
- Motorcycle Helmet, PLAIN (NO PAINT JOB), in Blue, Green, Grey, or Dark-Grey
- Miscellaneous Stuff from the Lego Star Wars line; too numerous to mention specifics, but I can list what I don't need:
- I don't need any more X-Wing / Y-Wing / Snowspeeder Pilots
(A-Wing and B-Wing Pilots, on the other hand...)- I don't need any more Darth Vader Torsos
(Darth Vader Heads, on the other hand...)- I don't need any more Qui-Gon Torsos
(Give 'em to Shiri ;-)- I don't need any more Gungan Heads
(I actually have come up with uses for the Jar-Jar Torsos, though...)- I don't need any more Light Sabres (Hilts or Blades)
- I don't need any more Blaster Cannons
(...Well, except the "Clear" [Trans-White] ones; I could use a few more of those...)
- "Spare Parts" for Minifigs:
- Certain Minifig Heads:
- Generic "Smileys" (plain/generic expression)
- Any "Female" Minifig Head except the Witch
- Minifig "Skulls" (i.e., from the Minifig Skeleton)
- The Mummy (Adventurers)
- Darth Vader
- Gasgano (the Alien Minifig Head in White from the Mos Espa Pod Race set)
- Any Minifig (Torso) with Yellow Arms
- Any Minifig (Torso) with Grey Arms
- Extra/Surplus Minifig Hands, in Dark-Grey, White, Yellow, or Brown
- Minifig Legs in Yellow, regardless of the Color of the Hip/Pelvis
- Palm Trees (complete and/or parts):
- Complete Palm Trees
- Large Palm Leaves, in Green
- Extra Trunk Segments, in Brown
- Round and/or Conical Trees, in Green ( a | b | c | d )
- Three-Stem Flowers (in Green), with Petals in Pink, Dark-Pink, Red, Blue, or Yellow
I don't really ever expect to have a chance at any of these . . . but just for the sake of thoroughness, I'll mention these.
- Pirates
I'd be more than happy to get one of the really good Lego Pirate sets (primarily the older Brown-Hull Ships and the older Soldier/Imperial sets).
Here's just a small sampling:
- Skull's Eye Schooner
- Black Seas Barracuda
- Imperial Flagship (I don't have one of these, yet)
- Caribbean Clipper (I don't have one of these, yet)
- Imperial Trading Post (I don't have one of these, yet)
- Castle
I'd also be ecstatic to get one of the really good Lego Castle sets, primarily the older, actually-is-a-castle sets, but also some of the smaller sets as well.
Here's a sampling:
- Black Falcon's Fortress
- King's Mountain Fortress
- King's Castle
- Knight's Castle
- Castle guard
- Blacksmith Shop
- Battering Ram
- Guarded Inn
- Model Team
I'm looking for several of the old Model Team sets:
You may be thinking:
"Trans-Cyan? Trans-CYAN?!?. . . . There aren't any Lego cones/pegs/(etc.) in Trans-Cyan. What's Franklin's problem?. . . . "You're quite probably correct. The Lego Co. hasn't made any of these bricks/plates in Trans-Cyan. . . . At least, not YET. . . . I'm just indulging in a bit of wishful thinking. ;-)