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Pirates of Catan
A scenario by Franklin W. Cain for use with "Settlers of Catan"
The Story
There is piracy on the high seas!
Dastardly buccaneers are plundering the coastal towns of Catan!
The Set-Up
In this scenario,
the Desert tile represents Pirate Island,
and the black pawn (the Robber) represents the Dread Pirate Blackbeard.
On the map,
the Resource-specific Harbor tiles are represented by "$$"
and the generic (3-to-1) Harbor tiles are represented by "3-1".
Remove the Desert tile from the basic set,
and place it at one corner of the map.
the Desert tile will be referred to as "Pirate Island.")
Working "inward" (i.e.: towards what will become the center of the map),
place a partial ring of three Ocean tiles,
another partial ring of five Ocean tiles,
and then a final Ocean tile, as per the accompanying illustration.
Around that last Ocean tile,
shuffle and place the five Harbor tiles that are Resource-specific.
Now shuffle and place the land tiles,
as per the accompanying illustration, and then place the numbered markers.
Then place the generic (i.e.: "3-to-1") Harbor tiles as shown in the illustration.
Place all of the Pirates (see below) on Pirate Island.
Players may now place their initial settlements and roads,
as per the usual rules.
To help remind the players that any settlement or city along the edge of a Harbor tile gets that harbor's trading benefit,
it may be helpful to orient the Harbor tiles so that their lines are pointing away from land...)
New Components
You will need all of the components of the basic game.
In addition, you will also need one pawn per player, of that player's color,
to represent his loyal Privateer.
Special Rules
Collectively, all of the pawns (Blackbeard and the Privateers) are referred to as "Pirates" in this scenario, and all share the same general rules.
Any rules specific to just one type of pawn will specify if it applies just to Privateers or just to Blackbeard.
All of the Pirates start play on Pirate Island.
Any Settlement or City along the edge of a Harbor tile gets the benefit of that harbor type,
regardless of where the harbor tile's lines actually connect.
Whenever a 7 is rolled, or whenever a Soldier card is played, that player has activated a Pirate.
If there are any Pirates on Pirate Island, he must select one of those; otherwise, he may pick any other Pirate.
He then moves the Pirate selected to any unoccupied Harbor tile.
(Exception: You may place Blackbeard on any Harbor tile,
regardless of whether or not a Privateer is already on it.)
He may then steal one card from any one player having a settlement or city on that harbor tile.
While a Pirate is on a Harbor tile,
no one gets the trading benefit of that Harbor!
A Privateer does not prevent his owning player from benefitting from that harbor tile;
however, if Blackbeard is also on that Harbor tile,
then your Privateer does not help you.)
Pirates may not be moved back to Pirate Island once they've been moved from Pirate Island and placed on a Harbor tile.
Game End
As usual, the first player to achieve ten points during their turn wins the game.