Stuff for GURPS:Traveller that I want,
or that I already have...(Version Date: 17 December 2001) Make me an offer!
GURPS:Traveller stuff that I want...
Stock # Title 6607 Alien Races 2: Aslan and K'kree 6609 Alien Races 4: Minor Races 7505 Deck Plan 5: Sulieman-class Scout/Courier xxxx Deck Plan 6: Dragon-class System Defense Boat 66xx Humaniti 66xx Starships I'll also consider taking any of the Planetary Surveys, or either of the other two Deck Plans (the ones for the Cutters). Once it's available, I'd also consider the Starship Forms.
GURPS:Traveller stuff that I already have...
Stock # Title 6600 GURPS:Traveller (core rules; 2nd ed.) 6619 GURPS:Traveller GM's Screen 6603 Alien Races 1: Zhodani and Vargr 6608 Alien Races 3: Hivers and Droyne 6601 Behind the Claw: The Spinward Marches Sourcebook (2 copies) 6617 Deck Plan 1: Beowulf-class Free Trader 6621 Deck Plan 3: Empress Marava-class Far Trader 6606 Far Trader 6605 First In 6614 Ground Forces 6615 Rim of Fire: The Solomani Rim Sourcebook 6604 Star Mercs 6610 Starports