Promotion: 6+, DM +1 if EDU 7+, DM +1/(Auto.) if "Good Ol’ Boy."
Contacts: Two per term, government.
Other Effects:
Prerequisites: CHR 8+.
First Term
Promotion: 6+, DM +1 if INT 7+.
Contacts: One per term. Roll 1D10. On 8+, the contact is government; otherwise, it is entertainment or journalism.
Other Effects:
Prerequisites: None.
First Term
Promotion: 7+, DM +1 if CON 6+.
Contacts: One per term, specialist in an area listed above.
Other Effects: None.
©1998 by Franklin W. Cain :-)
From the earliest days of history, there have been those who made their living at games of chance. Why not your character, also?
Promotion: 8+, DM +1 if INT 8+, DM +1 if CHR 8+.
Contacts: One per term, criminal, entertainment, law enforcement, or specialist (Gambling).
Other Effects:
Promotion: 7+, DM +1 if INT 6+.
Contacts: One per term of any type.
Other Effects: 2 ship DMs per term for a Yacht, regardless of Homeworld Tech.
Promotion: 6+, DM +1 if EDU 7+.
Contacts: Three per term, criminal, entertainment, government, journalism, or law enforcement. If Special Assignment, one may be of any type.
Other Effects: None.
Troopers (Enlisted): Streetwise 1, Charm 1, Gun Combat 2, Melee 2, Perception 1, Vehicle 1.
Troopers (Enlisted): Charm, Determination, Gun Combat, Melee, Perception, Vehicle.
Promotion: 6+, DM +1 if CON 7+, DM +1/(Auto.) if "Good Ol’ Boy."
Contacts: Two per term, one each criminal and law enforcement.
Other Effects: +1 to Initiative every other term (to a max. of 4).