©1998 by Franklin W. Cain :-)
This career covers all forms of professional soldiers used as land troops by a pre-industrial civilization, such as Roman legionnaires, Charlemagne's knights, or musket-equipped Redcoats.
Enlisted: Armed Martial Arts 2, Acrobat 2, Explore 2, Melee 2.
Enlisted: Acrobat, Archaic Weapons, Charm, Explore, Melee, Vice.
Promotion: 6+, DM +1 if STR 8+, DM +2/(Auto.) if "Good Ol’ Boy."
Contacts: One per term, barbarian, government, or military; cannot be "offworld."
Other Effects: No more than one skill level per term in Early Firearms.
©1998 by Franklin W. Cain :-)
This career covers all forms of professional soldiers used as ocean-going troops by a pre-industrial civilization. Historically, this primarily covers the Spanish Armada and the British Navy of the Napoleanic Era. It also covers Ancient Greek and Roman soldiers used as marines.
Enlisted: Acrobat 3, Melee 2, Vessel 3.
Enlisted: Acrobat, Charm, Determination, Melee, Vessel, Vice.
Promotion: 6+, DM +1 if INT 6+, DM +2/(Auto.) if "Good Ol’ Boy."
Contacts: One per term, barbarian, government, or military; cannot be "offworld."
Other Effects: No more than one skill level per term in Early Firearms.
Prerequisites: Forced due to capture while engaged in illegal activity in some other career.
All Terms
Special Duty: None.
Promotion: None.
Contacts: Two per term, criminal.
Other Effects:
Prerequisites: Doctorate.
First Term
Promotion: 6+, DM +1 if INT 8+, DM +1/+1 if "Good Ol’ Boy."
Contacts: Two per term, academic or government.
Other Effects:
Promotion: 7+, DM +1 if INT 8+, DM +1 if any Psionic asset 16+, DM ±0/+1 if "Good Ol’ Boy."
Contacts: One per term, government or specialist (Psionics).
Other Effects:
Special Adventure: 7+ for +1 PSI, Psionics.
Promotion: 7+, DM +1 if INT 7+.
Contacts: One per term, academic, medical, or specialist (Psionics). If Special Adventure, the contact may also be Zhodani (or other psionic race), at the GM’s discretion.
Other Effects: Character receives "Initial Training" for Psionics if not already trained.
©1998 by Franklin W. Cain :-)
This is my version of psionic adept.
Special Adventure: 8+ for Slug Weapon (Slug Pistol), Language, Medical, Acrobat, Crime, Explore, Melee, Technician, Vehicle, Vice.
Promotion: 11+, DM +2 if PSI 6+, DM +2 if any Psionic asset 16+, DM +1 if graduate of Psionic Academy.
Contacts: One per term, specialist (Psionics). If Special Adventure, one extra contact from academic, government, intelligence community, law enforcement, or military.
Other Effects: