Venom Darts
Level: 1
Range: 60 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One or more creatures
in a ten-foot cube
Saving Throw: Special
This spell fires a number of missiles
equal to 1d4, plus 1d4 for every three
levels of the caster,
to a maximum of 4d4 such missiles
(at 9th-level and above).
The caster may divide these missiles among
however many creatures desired, so long as
all creatures targeted by a single casting
of this spell are within the area of effect.
Each missile unerringly strikes its target
and does one point of magical poison damage
(save for no damage, but must roll a separate
saving throw against each missile).
For every five missiles that strike and damage
the same creature, that creature takes an
additional one point of magical poison damage
per round for the next 1d4 rounds.
The material component for this spell is a
fang from a venomus creature.
Level: 2
This spell allows the caster to carve
or etch a permanent image of no more than
one square foot in area onto a surface.
The image is actually engraved onto
the surface by this spell.
Thus the image cannot be cancelled,
but it can be reversed by a fixit spell.
The complexity of the image determines
the length of time needed to engrave
the image onto the surface,
thus determining the duration of the spell.
A simple image requires but two round,
whereas a moderate image takes five rounds.
An ornate or complex image needs one or more
turns (gamemaster's discretion).
If the caster is interrupted once
the engraving has begun,
the image will be incomplete (at least,
until the wizard casts this spell again
to finish the engraving).
The hardness of material that can be
engraved is based on the level of the wizard.
A 3rd-level mage can use this spell to engrave
wood or very soft mineral items (such as gold
or sun-baked clay).
At 5th-level, he can use this spell to engrave
items of average hardness mineral (many types
of gemstones, fired brick/clay).
At 7th-level, he can use this spell to engrave
items of hard mineral (iron/steel), and he can
use this spell to engrave magical items made
of wood or very soft mineral.
At 9th-level, he can use this spell to engrave
items of very hard mineral (such as diamond or
adamantite), and he can use this spell to
engrave magical items made of average hardness
At 12th-level, he can use this spell to engrave
magical items made of hard mineral, and at
14th-level, he can use this spell to engrave
magical items made of very hard mineral.
Phantom Arrow
Level: 2
By means of this elven spell, the caster
enchants a number of specially-crafted arrows
to have one or more non-physical
("phantom") arrows each.
These phantom arrows have the same chance
to strike their target as that of their
associated physical arrow.
The phantom arrows can affect creatures immune
to non-magical weapons.
Each phantom arrow that strikes does 1d6 points
of magical damage.
The caster receives one phantom arrow
for every level he has,
up to a maximum of six such arrows
(at 6th-level and above).
The phantom arrows must be evenly distributed
among the physical arrows affected.
For example, a 6th-level fighter-mage casting
this spell onto four arrows would get one
phantom arrow per physical arrow,
and would lose the last two phantom arrows.
The phantom arrows come into effect and
are used the first time their associated
physical arrow is fired.
All physical arrows enchanted by a single
casting of this spell must be fired within
one turn of the casting, or else any remaining
phantom arrows are lost.
The material components for this spell are
the physical arrows to be enchanted, which
must be of the highest craftmanship (5 g.p.
value min. each).
Level: 2
Detect Curse
Level: 3
With this spell, the wizard senses any curses
within a path ten feet wide and up to 30 feet
long in the direction he is facing.
For the purposes of this spell, a curse is any
magical effect that can be negated by a
removal spell.
The intensity of the curse can be determined.
The caster can turn, scanning a 60-degree arc
per round.
This spell can be blocked by a thickness of
one inch or more of metal,
one foot or more of stone, or
one yard or more of solid wood.
Level: 3
This spell increases the apparent (perceived)
value of one or more gemstones.
This increase (and the maximum for the
resulting apparent value) of each gemstone
is based on the level of the caster.
If a gem affected by this spell comes into
direct contact with cold (unforged) iron,
the gem will revert back to its original state
unless it makes a saving throw against
disintegration (with a +1 bonus per level
of the wizard; however, a natural 1 through
4 always fails this particular saving throw).
The material component for this spell is
a powdered gem that was worth at least one
hundredth (i.e., 1%) the total apparent value
of gems to be created by this spell.
Improved Handshock
Level: 3
This improvement of handshock
differs from that spell only as detailed
This spell causes 2d4 points of magical
lightning (electrical) damage per level
of the wizard, up to a maximum of 20d4
points (at 10th-level and above).
Level Spells)
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
(Conjuration, Evocation)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One or more arrows
Saving Throw: None
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
Saving Throw:
Level Spells)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 10' path, 30' long
Saving Throw: None
(Enchantment, Illusion;
Elemental Earth)
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One hour/level
Casting Time: One round
Area of Effect: One gem/level
Saving Throw: None
Caster's Level
(Per Gem)Max. Value
(Per Gem)
Up to 8th-level
9th to 13th-level
14th to 17th-level
18th-level and above
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None