Improved Leech
Level: 4
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Once per round, while this spell is in effect,
if the wizard touches an opponent in melee
with a successful attack roll,
the opponent loses 1d6 hit points.
These hit points are added to the wizard's
total, with any hit points over the wizard's
normal total treated as temporary additional
hit points.
Any damage suffered by the wizard is subtracted
from the temporary hit points first.
After one turn per level of the wizard,
any extra hit points above the wizard's
normal total are lost.
The creature originally losing hit points
through this spell can regain them by normal
or magical healing.
Undead creatures are unaffected by this spell.
Phantasmal Facade
Level: 4
This spell gives one or more creatures
within the area of effect the appearace
of being a poorly executed illusion
of itself (i.e., a caricature or parody
The illusion affects all normal senses
(sight, sound, smell/taste,
A group of orcs could appear as a group
of ugly people wearing pig masks,
a lion could appear to be almost
cartoonish, and so on.
The player chooses the specific image
created by the spell, subject to the
gamemaster's approval.
The material component for this spell
is a small bit of wool.
Level: 4
By means of this dark-elven spell,
the recipient gets four extra arms,
two along each flank evenly spaced
between his (real) arm and his waist.
The wizard can cast this spell onto
any willing creature.
If the wizard casts this spell on
anyone other than himself, the subject
creature must check the shock to its
system (a saving throw vs. death).
Failure means he takes 1d12 points
of magical damage and the spell fails.
The recipient will have severe penalties
on his attack rolls if he uses more than
one weapon.
A warrior specialized in two-weapon
fighting styles can learn how
to use weapons in these extra arms,
reducing these penalties,
after several hours of practice.
Likewise, an ambidextrous warrior
can practice and get reduced penalties.
An ambidextrous warrior specialized
in two-weapon usage can completely
remove these penalties after several
hours of practice.
The recipient gets a +2 (+10%) bonus
on all climbing checks for each additional
pair of arms devoted to this purpose.
Otherwise, the creature can climb using
just one pair of arms,
and use the other four arms for whatever
other tasks desired.
The material component for this spell
is a small spider or insect.
Transform Weapon
Level: 4
This spell allows the wizard to change
a weapon into some other weapon (e.g.,
the wizard could change a dagger into
a lance).
The wizard must be the only one holding
the weapon, or else the spell fails.
If cast on a non-magical weapon,
this change is permanent,
the weapon does not get a saving throw
to avoid the transformation,
and one round after the change,
the aura fades and the transformation
cannot be cancelled.
If cast on a magical weapon,
the weapon gets a saving throw versus
disintegration to negate this spell.
Assuming the saving throw fails,
the weapon is changed into whatever
other form the wizard desires,
and this spell has a duration of
four rounds, plus one round per level
of the wizard.
During this time,
the wizard can change the weapon into
another weapon yet again (once per round),
and as long as the weapon is in some
other form,
its "plus" rating is reduced
by one (i.e., a +3 short sword affected
by this spell could be changed into
a +2 lance, then a +2 great sword,
then a +2 crossbow, etc.,
reverting to +3 whenever it is changed
back to a short sword).
Zolton's Improved Prismatic
Level: 4
This upgrade of prismatic orb
gives the wizard one prismatic orb
for every three levels he has.
The orbs appear in his hand and must be
thrown one at a time within the round
in which this spell is cast
(see the appropriate rules on multiple
attacks in combat).
The wizard may throw each orb at
whatever target he chooses.
The caster must specify the color(s)
of the orbs at the time he casts this spell,
but he can vary the order in which
he throws them within the combat round.
The material components for this spell
are one gem per orb to be created,
of either the appropriate hue
(50 g.p. value min.) or of diamond
(200 g.p. value min.).
(The character Zolton was played by
Henry Brock, one of the players in the
campaign I ran while I was stationed
in South Korea.)
Level: 5
By means of this spell, a wizard seeks
to force or to enable a creature to come
from another plance of existence into
the wizard's presence.
If the creature has any resistance to
magic, this is checked if the creature
is to be forced to appear.
Assuming this resistance check fails,
the wizard's level is compared against
the creature's level or hit dice.
If the creature's level or hit dice
is higher,
the difference is used as a bonus
for the creature's saving throw.
On the other hand,
if the wizard's level is higher,
the difference is used as a penalty
for the creature's saving throw.
If the creature wants to appear,
then the creature doesn't roll
a saving throw.
Note that this spell just brings
the creature into the wizard's presence.
It does not include a return trip.
Even worse, it does not include
any protections or wardings against the
conjured creature.
The material component for this spell
is any item that is is attractive
or desirable to the subject creature.
Faerie Gold
Level: 5
This spell (which is also known as
phantom gold) creates a king's ransom
in gold in whatever form the caster desires
coins, bullion, jewelry (no gems)
or other art objects, and so on.
The total apparent value of the gold created
by one casting of this spell cannot exceed
a limit based on the caster's level.
Of course, the wizard could create a lesser
The gold created by this spell is real for
all purposes, except as follows.
The gold lasts for one day (24 hours),
after which, it fades away.
Furthermore, the gold must have one
of the flaws listed below
(the wizard chooses the specific flaw
at the time of the casting).
Range: 40 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 40' cube
Saving Throw: Special
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One turn/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One "person"
(humanoid biped animal)
Saving Throw: None
Number of
PenaltiesSpecilized with
Two WeaponsAmbidexterity
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One weapon
Saving Throw: Special
(Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One round
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Level Spells)
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: One round
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
(Conjuration, Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Caster's Level
Max. G.P. Value
Up to 11th-level
12th to 15th-level
16th to 19th-level
20th-level and above