Immaterial Porter
Level: 4
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One hour/level
Casting Time: One round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This improvement of hovering diskette creates a disc of any circular or oval shape from six to ten feet in diameter or width that can support up to 500 pounds per level of the caster. The porter can fly (at a movement rate of 9) at any height or location relative to the caster so long as it remains within range of the caster. If the caster ever orders the porter to move beyond his range, or if he ever releases it from his command, the porter remains fixed in its last location for the remainder of the spell duration.
The material component for this spell
is a miniature wagon of fine workmanship
(100 g.p. value min.)
which is not consumed in the casting
of this spell.
Arcane Henchman
Level: 5
This improvement of
servitor differs from that spell
only as detailed herein.
The henchman has an effective
Intelligence rating
(used to evaluate complex commands)
equal to
the lesser of
the caster's own Intelligence,
the caster's own Wisdom, or
half the caster's level (round up).
Likewise, the henchman has
an effective Strength rating based on
the caster's level (as shown below).
This Strength rating is used to determine
the henchman's ability to carry loads,
open stuck doors, lift metal gates,
bend metal bars, and so on.
The material component for this spell
is a small bell engraved with the caster's name.
Arcance Arsenal
Level: 7
When this spell is cast,
the wizard has a "pool"
of magical energy
equal to three "dice" per level
(with each "die" being 1d4+2).
At the time of casting,
the wizard must decide how to divide
this energy: into one-die missiles;
into three-dice missiles;
or, into six-dice missiles.
Once decided, any fractional remainder is lost
(for example, a 15th-level mage casting this spell
could have 45 missiles of 1d4+2 each,
15 missiles of 3d4+6 each,
or seven missiles of 6d4+12 each).
Depending on the size of the missiles,
the wizard may be able to fire more than
one missile per round.
If the missiles are six "dice" each,
then he may fire only one missile from this spell
per round.
If the missiles are three "dice" each,
then he may fire up to three missiles per round.
If the missiles are one "die" each,
then he may fire up to 12 missiles per round.
See the appropriate rules on multiple attacks
and initiative.
Each missile unerringly strikes
its designated target,
doing the appropriate amount of magical damage
to its target and to everything else
within a five-foot radius around the target.
Just prior to launching each missile,
the wizard specifies what type of damage
that particular missile will cause,
choosing from fire, ice/frost,
or lightning/electricity.
Depending on the circumstances,
the wizard could cause a considerable amount
of incidental damage in addition to
the damage directly caused
by the missiles themselves.
While this spell is in effect,
the wizard can cast other spells
or use magical items,
but he cannot fire any missiles
from this spell
during any round in which he does
these other actions.
Also, any missiles that haven't been fired
by the time the spell duration expires are lost.
Battery of Spells
Level: 8
The wizard may cast this spell only
after having a good night's rest,
but before memorizing any spells
for the day.
By casting this spell,
the wizard will be able to memorize
a number of additional first
through fourth-level spells
whose totaled levels do not exceed
his own level.
These bonus spells must be used
within one day (24 hours) or else
any unused spells remaining
will fade from the wizard's memory.
If the wizard casts this spell
while still under the effects of
a previous casting of this spell,
any bonus spells remaining from
the previous casting of this spell
are lost.
The material component for this spell
is a vial of dragon's blood
(the dragon can be of any spell-casting
but it must have been at least
"very old").
Level Spells)
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One hour/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: None
Although the henchman cannot directly
engage in combat,
it can manipulate inanimate, unheld objects
so as to affect whatever combat is going on.
For example, the henchman could
pull down a curtain or tapestry,
or it could press a tripwire that
opens a trap door.
There is no limit to the number of objects
that the henchman can manipulate
at any one time.
However, the total weight of all these objects
cannot exceed the maximum weight
the henchman can carry,
and all of these objects must be within
the area of effect.
Caster's Level
Up to 11th-level
12th or 13th-level
14th or 15th-level
16th or 17th-level
18th-level and above
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: One round/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: ½
Level Spells)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: One turn
Area of Effect: Caster only
Saving Throw: None
Level Spells)