Level: 1
Range: 30 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10' radius
Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates an electrical spark that ricochets from creature to creature within the area of effect in a randomly determined manner. Centering this spell's area of effect upon a specific creature does not guarantee that the specified creature will be struck. Each time the spark hits a creature, it deals 1d4+1 hit points of magical lightning damage to the creature struck. The total number of times the spark will strike is one, plus one more for every three levels of the caster, to a maximum of seven times (at 18th-level and above). A creature could be hit more than once from a single casting of this spell; in such a case, the creature rolls separate saving throws against each strike.
The material component for this spell is
a pinch of powdered amber.
This spell was created by Boris "the
Thunderer" (Boris Grimwarden).
Continuous Handshock
Level: 2
While this spell is in effect,
the caster can deliver a touch attack
similar to handshock once per round.
This attack is always discharged
at the first legal opportunity
within each round,
regardless of the caster's wishes
(the wizard will be unable to bind
a fallen comrade's wounds, for example,
without causing further harm).
The attack does 1d6 points
of magical lightning damage.
After discharging an attack,
this spell takes the remainder of the round
to recharge (i.e., the spell can do no more
than one attack per round).
This spell was created by Boris "the
Thunderer" (Boris Grimwarden).
Level: 2
This spell (which is also known as
Grimwarden's wasps)
creates a number of "wasps"
(which look like glowing blue-white
pinpoints) equal to 1d4,
plus one for every three levels
of the caster, to a maximum
of six "wasps" total
(regardless of the caster's level).
The wizard may launch all of the
wasps at once,
or he may launch one wasp per round
(until he runs out of wasps),
but this decision must be made
at the time of the casting.
Any wasps unfired when the spell's
duration expires are lost.
When a wasp is launched,
its designated target must be within
the spell's range.
If firing all wasps at once,
not all wasps need be assigned against
the same target creature,
but all such targets must be within
the area of effect.
Once targeted onto a specific creature,
the wasp cannot change targets.
Each round,
each wasp "stings" its target
for one point of magical lightning damage
(save to negate).
If a creature is being attacked by
more than one wasp,
the creature must roll these saving throws
A wasp is cancelled if it takes more than
one point of magical damage per level of
the wizard who cast this spell.
The material component for this spell
is a stinger from a wasp, hornet, or
The creation of this spell is credited
to Boris "the Thunderer"
(Boris Grimwarden).
Level: 3
When the wizard casts this spell, and
if the target creature fails
its saving throw,
an immobile barrier composed of thousands
of razor-sharp knives surrounds the victim.
The victim cannot make even
the slightest movement
(other than normal breathing)
without being cut
for 3d4 points of damage.
The victim can try to break free of the
on the second and subsequent rounds
of captivity,
resulting in a new saving throw.
However, each such escape attempt causes
3d4 points of damage,
plus two points of damage per level
of the caster,
up to a maximum of 3d4+20 points of damage
(at 10th-level and above), whether or not
the escape attempt is successful.
The bladecage can affect creatures
immune to non-magical weapons.
Creatures requiring +2 weapons to be hit
can be affected by this spell
if the caster is 10th level or above.
Creatures requiring +3 weapons
can be affected
if the caster is 15th-level or above.
Creatures requiring +4 weapons
can be affected
if the caster is 20th-level or above.
Creatures requiring +5 weapons
can be affected
if the caster is 25th-level or above.
The bladecage does not prevent
teleportation or plane shifting.
The bladecage is unaffected
by normal attacks,
but it is cancelled if it takes more than
one point of magical damage per level
of the caster of the bladecage.
The material component for this spell is
a miniature silver dagger of exquisite
workmanship (500 g.p. value min.),
which is not consumed in the casting
of this spell.
This spell was created by Boris "the
Thunderer" (Boris Grimwarden).
Level: 4
This spell creates a sphere
of crackling blue energy,
having a radius of five feet
per level of the wizard;
thus, if cast by a 12th-level mage,
this spell creates a sphere with
a 120-foot diameter.
Every creature within this sphere takes
4d4 points,
plus one point per level of the caster,
of magical lightning damage.
The material component for this spell is
a thin-beaten sheet of copper foil
(5 g.p. value min.)
which the wizard crumples
as the wizard casts the spell.
This spell was created by Boris "the
Thunderer" (Boris Grimwarden).
Thunder Shield
Level: 4
While under the effects of this spell,
the caster radiates a crackling blue nimbus
having the same properties as
(making it easier for him to be attacked
while in darkness).
With a successful attack roll with
his bare hand or a conductive weapon,
the wizard inflicts 2d4 points of magical
lightning damage;
the creature being hit doesn't get
a saving throw to avoid or halve
this damage.
If a creature hits the wizard with
a natural weapon or bare hand
or with a conductive weapon,
the creature suffers this same damage
(as if the wizard had hit the creature);
however, in this case,
the creature is entitled to a saving throw
to halve the damage.
This spell also reduces the amount
of electrical or lightning damage
sustained by the wizard by 50%.
This reduction applies whether
the cause was natural or magical.
If the wizard is otherwise entitled to
a saving throw to halve
the amount of damage,
he will suffer no damage whatsoever
if he succeeds with his saving throw.
The material component for this spell
is a short rod of wood wrapped
with fine-drawn copper wire.
This spell was created by Boris "the
Thunderer" (Boris Grimwarden).
Level: 4
Upon casting this spell,
the wizard throws a ball of energy
at the target.
The ball explodes in a burst
of light and sound
that may blind, deafen, and/or stun
one or more creatures within
the area of effect.
Each creature within the area of effect
rolls three separate saving throws.
Failing the first save means
the creature is blind for one round.
Failing the second save means
the creature is deaf for one round.
Failing the third save means
the creature has been knocked off
its feet
(the GM should modify this third saving
throw based on
the creature's number of legs and feet,
its natural agility,
its position and/or stance at that moment,
If the creature fails one or more
of these saving throws,
regardless of which specific saves it fails,
the creature suffers additional effects.
If the creature fails one saving throw,
it is dazed
and will be unable to attack or move
for one round.
If the creature fails two saving throws,
it is stunned and is helpless for one round.
If the creature fails all three saving throws,
it is unconscious for 1d4 rounds.
This spell was created by Boris "the
Thunderer" (Boris Grimwarden).
Level Spells)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 round + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Creature(s) touched
Saving Throw: None
Range: 60 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One or more creatures
in a ten-foot cube
Saving Throw: Special
Level Spells)
Range: 30 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One round/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Level Spells)
Range: 50 yards + 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Five-foot/level
radius sphere
Saving Throw: ½
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Caster only
Saving Throw: Special
Range: 40 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 20' radius sphere
Saving Throw: Special
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)