Amorphous Utility
Level: 3
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One or more
"slime" creatures
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell transforms one or more creatures
of a protozoan nature
(slimes, oozes, puddings, jellies, etc.;
does not include molds),
whose combine hit dice doesn't exceed
the caster's level,
into an equal number of objects
of a flexible or semi-rigid nature,
such as cloaks, ropes, carpets, mattresses,
and so on.
These objects will be approximately
the same size and mass as the original
"slime" creature,
but do not have to be of the same color,
texture, smell, and so on.
The objects created by this spell
will be just as strong and durable
as normal objects of their new type
would ordinarily be.
The effects of this spell can be
for only a limited time
after this spell takes effect.
Such cancellation must occur
within one hour per hit die
of the original creature,
minus one turn per level of the caster.
After this time elapses,
the aura of the transformation fades away,
and the spell can no longer be reversed.
Perilous Cuisine
Level: 3
This spell transforms one or more creatures
of a protozoan nature
(slimes, oozes, puddings, jellies, etc.;
does not include molds),
whose combine hit dice doesn't exceed
the caster's level,
into a nutritious but virtually unpalatable
The number of "meals" (servings)
created by a single casting of this spell
cannot exceed the totaled hit dice of the
but it must be at least one "meal"
per "slime" creature.
Any creature wanting to eat one of these
"meals" must make a successful
saving throw vs. death.
Failure means the creature spends one round
helplessly retching for each point by which
it missed its saving throw.
Success means the creature managed to somehow
keep down the "meal"
and gains all the benefits associated with
having eaten a normal meal.
If, for any reason, the creature wants to eat
more than one "meal"
(for example, if avoiding or recovering from
then the second and subsequent saving throws
are made with a cumulative
-1 penalty.
Any "meal" uneaten within
one turn per level of the caster will spoil,
turning into a noxious puddle of inanimate,
non-monstrous goo.
The material components for this spell are
three pinches of freshly ground black pepper
and a dollop of a semi-spicy tomato sauce.
Gelatinous Doom
Level: 4
This spell will transform the target creature
into a randomly determined creature of a
protozoan nature (slimes, oozes, puddings,
jellies, etc.; does not include molds).
The caster has no control whatsoever over
the final form the target creature adopts.
The target creature automatically survives
the transformation and adopts all aspects
of the creature (to include diet and
special abilities).
If this spell is ever cancelled,
the victim will have no memories
of the time spent as a "slime"
If the gamemaster has a certain manual
of monsters, he can use the following table
to determine the target creature's new form.
Hideous Dissolution
Level: 5
If the target creature fails its saving throw
vs. "shape-change",
the creature begins dissolving into a puddle
of harmless, non-monstrous slime,
taking 1d6 hit points of magical damage
each and every round,
until the creature is completely dissolved
(i.e., dead),
until this spell is ended by the original
or until this spell is cancelled.
If this spell is terminated before the
creature dies,
the creature is still damaged
and must recover the damage as normal.
The material component for this spell
is a vial of pond scum (or some other
similar substance).
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One or more
"slime" creatures
Saving Throw: Neg.
Level Spells)
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
The material component for this spell
is a vial of pond scum (or some other
similar substance).
d100 Roll
1 - 7
Olive Drab Sleaze
8 - 14
Mustard Yellow Gel
15 - 21
Stunning Gel
22 - 30
Ochre (???) Gel
31 - 39
Grey Oozer
40 - 46
Crystaline Oozer
47 - 54
Cubic Jelly
55 - 63
Green Sleaze
64 - 70
Slithering Follower
71 - 79
Black Lump-o'-Slime
80 - 86
White Lump-o'-Slime
87 - 93
Dun (Tan/Beige?) Lump-o'-Slime
94 - 100
Brown Lump-o'-Slime
Level Spells)
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)