Sense School
Level: 1
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10' path, 60' long
Saving Throw: None
This variant of sense
magic allows the caster
to detect all magics of one specific college
(such as enchantment/charm, illusion/phantasm,
elemental fire, etc.).
The material component for this spell
is a specially tinted piece of glass, crystal,
or mica, with the exact tint based
on the specific college to be sensed.
In all other respects, this spell functions
as sense
Cancel School
Level: 4
By means of this variant of cancel
magic, the caster cancels all magics
of one specific college
(such as enchantment/charm, illusion/phantasm,
elemental fire, etc.).
Wizard specialists able to learn and use
abjuration magics cannot use this spell
against their opposition schools.
For example, an invoker couldn't use this spell
against conjuration/summoning,
and a fire elementalist couldn't use this spell
against water elementalism.
However, this restriction does not apply
to abjurationists;
they can use this spell against any college
they want.
Wizard specialists normally unable to learn
and use abjuration magics can still learn
and use this spell,
but only against their school of
Thus, an illusionist can learn
and use this spell
only as "cancel illusion,"
and a transmuter can learn
and use this spell
only as "cancel alteration."
In all other respects, this spell functions
as cancel
Anti-School Sphere
Level: 7
When casting this variant of nega-magic
the wizard specifies one college of magic
(such as enchantment/charm,
elemental fire, etc.).
Only those spells
or spell-like abilities and effects
belonging to the college chosen
by the caster at the time of casting
are negated by this barrier.
Creatures that have been charmed
as well as
summoned and conjured creatures
are not necessarily kept out of
the warded area.
If the college chosen was
then charmed creatures will be kept out,
while if the college chosen was
then summoned and conjured creatures
will be kept out.
Wizard specialists able to learn and use
abjuration magics cannot choose their
opposition school as he college
to be affected by this spell.
However, this restriction does not apply
to abjurationists;
they can negate any college they want.
Other than as detailed above,
this spell functions in all other ways as
Permissive Sphere
Level: 7
When casting this variant of nega-magic
the wizard specifies one college of magic
(such as enchantment/charm,
elemental fire, etc.).
All spells and spell-like abilities
and effects are negated by this barrier
except for those
belonging to the college chosen
by the caster at the time of casting.
Creatures that have been charmed
as well as
summoned and conjured creatures
are normally kept out of
the warded area.
However, if the college chosen was
then charmed creatures
will not be kept out,
and if the college chosen was
then summoned and conjured creatures
will not be kept out.
Wizard specialists able to learn and use
abjuration magics cannot choose their
opposition school as he college
to be affected by this spell.
However, this restriction does not apply
to abjurationists;
they can permit any college they want.
Other than as detailed above,
this spell functions in all other ways as
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
(Abjuration; Special)
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 20-foot cube
Saving Throw: None
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Level Spells)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: One turn/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One-foot/level diameter
Saving Throw: None
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: One turn/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One-foot/level diameter
Saving Throw: None
Level Spells)
Level Spells)