Wake the Dead (Spell)
Final Stats:
- Final Cost: 9 points
- Active Cost: 112 points
- Penalty to Skill Roll: -6
- END Cost: 5 END per Phase
- INT Min: 28
Power: Summon one 75-pt. creature
- Any one undead (+¼)
- Continuous (+1)
- ½ END (+¼)
- Total Advantages: +1½
- Skeleton or
Zombie only (-1)
- Concentrate: ½ DCV throughout (-½)
- Extra Time: 20 minutes (-2½)
- Effect occurs every minute
(not every Phase; -½)
- OAF: brazier and incense
(fragile; expendable; -1½)
- Gestures throughout (-½)
- Incantations throughout (-½)
- RSR: Magic Skill (easy; -¼)
- "Noisy" (-¼)
- No armor and only light burdens (-1)
- INT Min equals Active Cost
×¼ (-½)
- Must have one human corpse
per undead to be summoned (-2)
- Condition of corpse determines
choice of creature summoned (-½)
- Total Limitations: -11½