Kalto and Anakara Minobee
A non-player character (NPC) family for the Amber DRPG campaign A Bride for Merlin, run in Atlanta, GA, by Franklin W. Cain.

Kalto Minobee
Artwork by Franklin W. Cain using HeroMachine.
(Click on the image for a close-up.)
Kalto Minobee (pronounced "KALL-toe") is a nobleman in House Minobee whose distance from the Minobee line of inheritence / precedence has been outshined by his exploits in the fields of exploration and commerce.

Anakara Minobee nee Jesby (pronounced "ah-NAH-kah-rah") is a sister of Duke Flark Jesby. She is an Associate Professor of Arcanology (the science of Magic), specializing in Thaumaturgical Engineering, at the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Kalto and Anakara are happily married. They have four children:

  1. twin daughters, Kiri and Kara;
  2. their ward, Seonaid, whom they raised as if she were their own daughter; and,
  3. a son, Keliith (the current heir to Duke Flark Jesby).

Kiri and Kara Minobee (pronounced "KIH-ree", "KAH-rah") are identical twins (a rather rare occurrence among Chaosians).

In their usual "human" form, they are attractive, slender, athletic young women with long blonde hair and blue-green eyes (Kiri's eyes are slightly bluer, and Kara's eyes are slightly greener). Their preferred demon forms are that of silver-pelted large cats with blue-green eyes (again, Kiri's eyes are slightly bluer, and Kara's eyes are slightly greener). Their preferred colors are silver-white and blue-green.

Like many twins, they will each be aware of the other's general location and emotional state at any time. They each also have some skill with both Logrus and Magic. In fact, they are each fully qualified as Associate Instructors on their mother's staff at the Academy.

Kiri . . .

Kara . . .

Keliith Minobee, Agent of Chaos
Artwork by Franklin W. Cain using HeroMachine.
(Click on the image for a close-up.)
Keliith Minobee (pronounced "KEL-li~ith") is a most precocious boy of about seven years of age (in human terms) who has an uncanny ability of finding mischief anywhere if he is left alone for even a few seconds. Keliith's nanny is "Nana" Skuurg.

Out-of-Character Knowledge!!!
In reality, Keliith is a young man, (and not a child as everyone thought). Furthermore, he was an agent of Duke Minobee (eventually "loaned" to King Merlin) who had walked the Pattern in Amber at one time (it's useful having the Ambassador to Amber as a member of your House...).

Keliith has been missing ever since the end of the Crusade Against Brand's Pattern...

Keliith Minobee ("child" form and "grown-up")
Artwork by Amy Franz.