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Amber: My notes and "house rules" for the Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game (published by Phage Press). HERO System: My notes and "house rules" for the HERO System -- Champions, Fantasy HERO, (etc.).
I have a fair bit of stuff for HERO's 4th Edition. For the current, 5th Edition, I have notes on Skills and Powers. Puzzle Pirates: Various notes and personal projects for Three Rings' MMORPG. TNE: My "house rules" and campaign notes for GDW's Traveller: The New Era.
(Mayfair Games)
Pirates of Catan: A scenario I wrote for use with Settlers of Catan (Steve Jackson Games)
INWO: My "home brew" cards for SJG's Illuminati: New World Order. Frag: My "house rules" and "home brew" cards for SJG's Frag. (Wizards of the Coast)
AD&D: My "house rules" and campaign notes for TSR's Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (2nd edition). MTG: My "home brew" cards for WOTC's Magic: The Gathering.